5 advantages of agile methodology

5 advantages of agile methodology

Over the past decade, the term ‘Agile’ has grown in popularity. Although the whole concept of Agile work started at the beginning of this century, with the Agile Manifesto. It implies a focus on delivering value to the end user of the product. Agile often means a faster time to market for a digital product. It’s worth listing the top 5 advantages of using this technique in business.

Main advantages of agile methodology

  • Predictable and often faster delivery. In some Agile frameworks, such as scrum, the development team delivers a working part of the digital product every sprint, meaning every week, fortnight or month. In addition, focusing on specific features and ‘pieces’ of the product makes work more efficient due to a stronger focus on smaller, more manageable goals in each short sprint of activity.
  • Obtaining a better quality product. As already mentioned, testing is a big part of the Agile approach and is usually done after the development of each feature, and such testing may be done with user representatives, the customer or product owner (does it meet the identified business needs and goals?) or other stakeholders. Then there is testing done internally to ensure the quality and performance of the product code. Regular checking with reality ensures a quality product that clearly meets its target needs.
  • More effective teamwork. This distributed approach to project control divides a manager’s traditional responsibilities across the team, allowing individuals to make decisions related to their role and experience. Sharing responsibility has another very important advantage, as it allows more tasks to be completed in less time. Both the development work and the development process are regularly reviewed by the team. Not only does this allow the project to change direction in response to changing needs and circumstances, but it also reduces the possibility of the team going down a dead end, thereby reducing time and resources being spent on fruitless work.
  • For each standalone sprint or iteration focused on a specific feature, the development team goes through a cycle of planning and review, including reflection on how the agile processes are working.


Without a doubt, Agile principles give us the best results in the VUCA world. Agile gives development teams more freedom while providing them with a tight support structure to operate within. The result is a development project that combines both quality and clinician appreciation. We hope that you find our list of advantages of Agile Methodology useful!

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