Benefits, implementation and management of remote work: a complete guide!

Work from home is attracting more and more companies around the world. For employees, remote work means autonomy and flexibility. On the employer’s side, the implementation of this measure generally goes hand in hand with better employee productivity. In order for this remote working system to be beneficial to all the players in the organization, it is necessary to prepare for its implementation, to adapt the management of its employees and to know some good practices to adopt. So what exactly is Work from home? Why use this particular method of work and how to implement it effectively and sustainably? Read more about Zalgo Text Generator.

What is Work from home?

The telecommuting (home office) is to conduct his business remotely regularly and voluntarily. This measure is part of a process of improving the organization of work and therefore the experience of employees.

This remote working device from the United States is based on the use of communication and collaboration technologies (Internet, digital collaborative work tools, videoconferences, shared planning, etc.).

The telecommuting is a far more popular with French companies and employees. According to a study conducted by Malakoff in 2018 , 25% of French and English people telework in 2017, compared to only 8.9% in 2010 and 2.6% in 2000.

Why use telework?

If remote work is developing so much, it is because it brings many advantages for employees but also for employers.

The advantages of Work from home for employees

The home office brings many benefits to employees as shown by the following figures:

  • 90% of them feel more independent
  • 87% consider themselves more efficient
  • 87% of employees surveyed say it provides a better work-life balance
  • 78% of employees say they are more fulfilled in their work

The benefits of Work from home for employers

These advantages that Work from home brings to employees are directly felt in the quality of their work, which also brings many benefits to employers and the company:

  • 82% of employers and managers say that Work from home develops employee engagement,
  • 68% believe that the implementation of remote work improves the image of the company,
  • 39% of employers believe that Work from home reduces absenteeism.

The home office is also a way of reducing certain costs for the company and increasing the productivity of the workforce because employees will be more motivated and involved in their professional activity.

How to optimize Work from home in your company?

Prepare for the implementation of remote work

While Work from home brings many benefits to all stakeholders in the company, its implementation should not leave room for improvisation. Its establishment must indeed be considered, organized, planned and discussed.

Several elements come into play to successfully set up remote work in an optimal way, such as:

  • Listening to employees to identify their needs and expectations
  • The contractual framework of this remote working system or employees monitoring software.
  • The means allowing the good continuity of the activities,
  • Tools that promote teamwork and collaboration
  • A process of continuous improvement of remote working conditions

Consult our article dedicated to the implementation of Work from home in a company to know the best practices and the steps to follow to implement this device effectively.

Adapt your management to remote work

To stimulate the commitment and motivation of Work from home employees , work organization and management must absolutely be adapted to this system.

Here are 3 key elements to effectively manage remote collaborators .


Trust is one of the key success factors for managing remote work . Indeed, a contract of trust must be naturally established between teams of employees and managers.

This confidence begins with the autonomy, flexibility and empowerment of the remote employee in terms of the pace of work. An employee is all the more engaged and productive when his manager gives him some freedom in the organization of his professional activity and his working days.

The manager must also assign clear and well-defined missions to the employees he manages and set milestones. Thanks to this organization, employees will feel autonomous and the manager will still be able to follow the progress of the various works and support the employees in the home office so that they carry out their missions.

Team spirit

Cultivating team spirit is essential when working from home. First of all, this makes it possible to limit the isolation of the teleworker, which constitutes one of the most important risks in remote work. Cultivating team spirit also helps to keep employees engaged in their activity and to be more productive.

The manager and the employer must therefore put in place tools to promote collaborative work (shared documents, team messaging, planning of tasks assigned to each, etc.) and organize regular team meetings.

These remote team meetings must be scheduled at a fixed date and time in order to create a real meeting between employees who can thus discuss with their colleagues on their progress in their missions but also share their concerns.

Availability and responsiveness

The manager must be available and responsive to the requests of his Work from home collaborators in order to manage them effectively.

Its role is above all to support each employee so that he can carry out the various missions entrusted to him. He must therefore make himself available to answer questions from members of his home office team .

This translates into responsiveness in responding to e-mails and various messages, but also in being reachable by phone during working days. Read more here

Managers must, however, set availability and non-availability hours so as not to be confronted with a saturation problem.

By developing trust, team cohesion and making himself available, the remote manager puts all the chances on his side to optimize the productivity of the workforce and stimulate the commitment of collaborators in Work from home.

It is of course necessary to regularly submit employee surveys to teleworkers to assess their commitment and adjust the organization and management relating to Work from home if necessary.


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